
My Reaction To: Holidays

Holy crap. Back to school in three days, and I've done basically nothing those holidays.

Do you ever get that feeling that holiday time is wasted away? That there was so much to do, and yet you did nothing? And hell, I was so busy doing nothing that I'm more tired after the two-week break than before. (Well I'm slightly less drunk/hungover, however.)

Winter holidays are special too: we did travel a bit, we saw family and I got to spend time with my girlfriend too. But Christmas and New Year are only two days- let's make it four for preparation/trips/all-nighters. And yet they consume all my free holiday time! With their decorations, celebrations, and general mood of festiveness, I can't get myself to do anything.

And as I said, there was a lot to do. Work? Like hell, I had four papers to do and a month and a half of lessons to learn. New games? My brothers had bought all the Humble Bundles and gave me some amazing games - Limbo, Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac's DLC "Wrath of the Lamb", to name those who are most likely to get a review round here. And a few big games found their way to my computer too- Dishonored and Assassin's Creed 3, basically. Damn, I can't wait to play the latter- I've already waited too much! I NEED TO PLAY IT.

And yet Holidays made it so that I didn't even install it.

Winter holidays make me feel like I should be celebrating all the time, not work or play or anything. I feel like everything is festive, and merry, and beautiful.

And yet every single time I get sick as hell. I spent my holidays with a sore throat, running nose, and feeling like shit. Even worst - my girlfriend woke up from our New Year's Eve party -which was awesome, by the way- feeling like she had needles in her eyes. As her pain grew, we panicked and had to go to the emergencies. Turns out she had a kind of common eye infection, probably related to her lenses. Way to begin 2013, poor thing... Good thing we had a handful of friends to help us out. (She's getting better, even though she's still quite sensitive to light...)

My point is, how come holidays make us feel invicible? Being sick for Christmas or spending New Year in hospital seems unfair, and yet, holiday time is a perfectly usual time of the year. Oh well, aren't we quite dumb?

Anyway, good news for 2013:

-My family seems to have gotten around the idea of me leaving the house. T'was easier than I thought! Now I really need to get a school.

-I'll start mastering a Pathfinder game with a few classmates, so you can expect a bunch of role-playing games posts. Ain'tcha happy?

-As I said I got quite a few new games, so there's also some gaming posts coming up. I'll try to be a steady blogger this year. Maybe.

-If you can read this, you have access to Internet, which is cool for you.

Also, check out this cool video: reverse fireworks. Mesmerizing.

Happy New Year to my readers! (If there are any)

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