
My Reaction To: Twitter

As the two of you might have noticed, I don't post much. I'm a bad blogger, that much I can admit. So I've started a Twitter account, to see if it goes any better. Maybe I won't let it die, maybe I will, who knows? SUSPENS

I will try to post here from time to time, because 140 characters is reallllllly short and sometimes I have much to say.

Long story short, follow me on Twitter via @Delotox . Or don't! That's the magic of free will!


My Reaction To: Being bad at blogging

So, huh, at some time while trying to upload an article about Vermine some time ago, I somehow failed. I felt bad for not knowing how to fix it, so, as I usually did when I try blogging, I flipped the table and declared Blogger to be bullsh*t. I know, I know, pathetic. But I had all those things I wanted to say annnnd well it feels good telling them to the Internet and in another language, somehow.
So I've deciced to add a few pictures to the article dealing with a famous Italian noble which happens to kill people. You know, to get back on the tracks.
I have a few articles about real-life things coming round, donating blood for example. Roleplaying will wait for a bit, because, hey, homework. Blah.

See you around!


My Reaction To: Assassin's Creed Revelations

Oh, God, first actual post. Well, better get started then.

The Assassin's Creed serie is, by far, one of the best video games serie I've ever played. It has everything: good, breathtaking plot, smooth controls, inovations throughout the serie, charismatic characters everywhere, and world-domination conspiracy! What's not to like?

To breeze through the serie: the first one was amazing, but grew kinda repetitive toward the end. The second opus was breathtaking: it took everything good from the first one, made it better, and added sooo many wonderful things. The contrast with the first one made it seem like THE best opus in the serie. Now I can't tell which one really is the best: Brotherhood had quite his share of good stuff and all, but it felt... Unfinished. All those good ideas didn't quite hit their target. And yet, playing Brotherhood felt awesome. It was true joy to roam around Roma, and the Borgias were quite the opponents for the master Assassin Ezio had become.
How about Revelations now?

My Reaction to: Making a Blog

Hello folks,
my name is Delotox, I'm coming from France, and I'm making this blog because, hey, why not. It's also a great way to keep my english from getting rusty; I've got a great understanding level but I've got to keep my expression level razor sharp. So if you spot a mistake or two (or twenty) in my articles, tell me in the comments. Thanks!

Anyway, I'm a full-time geek, so I'll mostly talk about video games and pen&paper role-playing games I've played, and maybe my characters from said RPGs. I'll also share my opinions over books, comics, webcomics, movies and any other cultural stuff I'll find worthy. If you want me to talk about something, just ask - if I've seen/played/read it I'll be glad to talk about it.

About the things I like... Well, video-games with a good plot and/or fun to play, in many differents genres... Well-written books: I'm especially fond of fantasy and sci-fi authors, I'd say that my favorites are Robin Hobb, William Gibson and Terry Pratchett... Comics which make good plot inspiration for RPGs, like Hell-Boy, BPRD and Abe Sapien (same collection, all Hell-Boy related), and silly comics like The Goon... In fact, I like a lot of things, and making a complete list would be silly. I mean, the whole blog is there for that.

More about me? I'm currently in preparatory school, specialized in physics and technology, 2nd year, and I hope I'll be worthy of a good school by July. Another year would suck so hard... I'm really looking forward having my own flat, my own things, and have a lot of free times. Also, I like beer. Who doesn't?

Well, I hope I'll have a few readers. If you're reading this, I like you sooo much.
